Monday 8 July 2013

39 Days to go......

I probably should have mentioned in my first post that I plan on eating 1200 calls for 3 days & then a high cal on day 4. On the. Plus side I only went over my calorie allowance by 57 & I did manage to burn over 600 cals from my 1hr 40 min cycle. On the negative side I did go waaaay over on my carb allowance & didn't eat enough protein or fats.

I also went out for a drink ( yes 1 drink!!) with a friend that I hadn't seen in a while. Great night especially since we went to see her cousin play in his band.

Day 2:

So I took my measurements this morning, which I track on myfitnesspal:

Neck: 12.5"
Waist: 29.5"
Navel: 36.75"
Hips: 37.75"
Thigh right: 24.25
Thigh left: 23.75"
Arm right: 14"
Arm left: 13.75"

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